ARR Roles

ARRS Roles And What They Can Do



Clinical Pharmacist

More information

Blood pressure checks

Minor ailments

Medication queries

Sick notes

Medication Audits 


Pharmacy Technician 

Helps clinical pharmacist 

Do Audits 

Clinical admin 


Care Co-ordinator

Dementia reviews

LD reviews

Home visits (if a patient requires a BP check or general welfare check)

Chasing patients if they are non-attenders (smears, flu’s, pneumo’s, etc)

Care Plan 


Mental Health Nurse

Minor MH issues (non-urgent, not life threatening)

Only accepts referrals from GP or Nurse

Provides 6 sessions and then will refer on if they require further support 



Provide specialist nutrition and dietary advice

Support patients to manage their conditions

Offer dietary advice where needed


Social Prescriber

Social prescribing can help people with many issues that affect both their physical and mental health and wellbeing



Food / fuel  Voucher



Health and Wellbeing Coach

Health Coaching Service is offered to help create lasting change to improve a person’s well-being and overall health.

It is a weekly / bi weekly series of 45 minutes, usually 6, but can be more.

Lowering weigh

Healthier Diet

More active lifestyle/exercise

Reducing Stress and Low Mood

Managing Health Conditions (Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Hypertension)